Autism and 5 types of perception

Have a look at those links for some suitable toys to help autistic children make sense of the world around them:
autism toys

Special Needs Toys

We so rarely think about how we perceive the world around us. This is because our brain has overtime figured out the ways to select information and frequently shuts out some of the sensors to prevent the sensory overload. Most people do it automatically and without even being aware.
Now, we all know that there are 5 senses: smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch. On top of that some people use the internal chatter as a way of processing information.
Now, what happens to people with autism is that all those 5 senses and the internal chatter might work all the time and they are aware and conscious of the received information. Imagine the internal explosion! No wonder, many of them react emotionally to it and then need peace and quiet away from people and world to rest.
There are people who do not have autism and still have expanded perception, like they could be very visual, with sensitive hearing and very touchy feely all at once. For example, I can feel and taste colours while I absorb them visually. It creates a high level of intensity so I get quite overwhelmed around lots of people and become tired quickly.

I wonder if there is anyone similar to me out there and how many people with autism relate to this?

Sensory overload – autism toys helping

Only people who personally know someone who has autism appreciate how easy it is for that person to become overloaded with information, and the result is a great degree of distress. When we consider that people receive information through their vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell and most of the time we are not consciously aware of all of those stimulations. Now imagine how would we feel if we become blasted by all of our five senses at once? Different sounds, volume, colours, objects, shapes, textures, sensations created by the fabric of our clothes, tastes and consistencies in our mouth, smells short and lingering, and so on…Pretty overwhelming, isn’t it?

Have a look at those links for some suitable toys to help autistic children make sense of the world around them:
autism toys

Special Needs Toys

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

This is another helpful review of a great book and again from It makes everyone realise how important it is to buy toys suitable for autism. Have a look at two of my searches:

autism toys

Special Needs Toys

“This stellar book provides a logical list of ten basic precepts that every person, child or adult with autism would like for the neurotypical (NT) world to know.

People, children in particular are people first, not “autistic child, autistic person.” Autism is a shorthand label for specific behaviors that are rooted in neurobiology. In short, autism is a sensori-neurobiological condition.

The main theme and the common thread that links the ten items on this “wish list” of sorts is extending basic human courtesy to people with autism. Readers will be provided ways in order to help honor the rights, dignity and best interests of people with autism. Parents and educators in particular will take this book to heart.

This author translates seemingly bizarre behavior to the neurotypical world. All behavior has a sensory base. Many people with autism have hyperacute hearing. Show me someone with autism who doesn’t hate loud noises and I’ll show you a singing Boston bulldog who can tap dance as well. All sensory modes are heightened in people who have autism. Smells are stronger; certain materials are unbearable to the touch and in some cases painful; tastes are very strong; the sight of certain things can elicit strong reactions that are either very positive or very negative. I knew people with autism who hated blinking lights and retreat or cover their eyes when in the presence of a light that blinked on and off.

Beatle fans with autism are a very interesting group indeed. The mere sight of a Beatle picture brings strong positive reactions; the Beatles’ music triggers a series of highly positive responses as well.

This brilliant book demystifies meltdowns and identifies triggers. In cowboy parlance, this book will help you head them off at the pass. If you can’t, you learn when to get out of Dodge fast. As difficult as the process is, it is always worth it and for children in particular, meltdowns are the result of being pushed past a certain point. It’s like the 1968 George Harrison classic, “It’s All Too Much.” That song describes the Overload Experience quite well. “It’s all too much for me to’s all too much for me to take…”

Some excellent prompts, cues and guides are provided to help children navigate throughout their day. Show me a person with autism who DOESN’T hate surprises/having things sprung on them and I’ll show you that same singing Boston bulldog. Echoes of Carol Gray can be heard here; she is famous for her social stories and having children draw social comics to help script and anticipate certain social interactions. This gifted author helps people to see autism in a more accepting light by explaining the behaviors; providing tools of empowerment and keeping the tone of acceptance throughout the book.

This wonderful book makes me think of the 1978 Billy Joel song, “Just the Way You Are.” I like the way she says that is an important message to convey to children on the spectrum – we like and love them just the way they are and the goal is to help them have happy, full productive lives and good social interactions and develop confidence.

This book is a giant step towards accomplishing all that and then some.

Autism toys and books

Please read this very interesting review from uk about “Parenting a Child with Asperger Syndrome: 200 Tips and Strategies (Paperback)”

You can find more books and autism toys when you click here
Special Needs Toys

“I have Asperger’s Syndrome, an adult and married. I highly recommend ths book for adults too as the tips and strategies given are useful to anyone (children and adults) with Asperger’s Syndrome and their respective Neuro Typical parents or parteners in life.

Unlike most books on Asperger’s Syndrome, Berenda Boyd shows a great deal of respect, understanding and acceptance of Asperger’s Syndrome. The book is in an easy to read unfussy style providing a clear guide that is broken down into understandable sections, practical and realistic, extremely well written book to just dip into or be read and re-read and keep referring back to time and time and again. Brenda really knows what she is talking about.

Brenda Boyd’s positive attitude ensures readers will gain a sense of celebrating Asperger’s as a life-enriching experience.

I especially like the very end of the book REPORT FROM PLANET ASPERGER which I always take with me where ever I am in the world. This shows people with Asperger’s in their true light. Planet Asperger “would probably be kinder, safer and more truthful than this world” & “But perhaps the most special feature of all on Planet Asperger is the great respect given to children and their values.”

I also liked how she compared Asperger’s to Neuro Typicals akin to comparing trains to cars. As an Asperger, which ever way the tracks are laid, that’s the way our train goes.

The intended audience is wide but the book’s title could restrict the readership to parents and carers only, which would be a shame.

I highly recommend this book and think it is worth every penny.
Manx Mann”